Learning About Finance and Money

Learning About Finance and Money

Posting Bail To Secure Your Release From Jail

Jordy De Pijper

Facing criminal charges can be a distressing experience. However, understanding the bail process can give you hope in regaining your freedom while awaiting trial.

Assumption: Bail Bonds Are Confusing

Bail bond procedures can vary from one jurisdiction to another. However, applying for this type of bond will be relatively similar. Generally, you will need to meet with a bonding agent so that they can review your case and determine the amount required for them to provide the bond.

Misconceptions often cloud people's perception of bail bonds. For example, individuals may assume they must apply for the bail bond in person. Unfortunately, this may not always be possible. However, many bail bonding services can provide remote applications, allowing individuals to apply for the bond they need quickly.

Assumption: Posting Bail Requires Cash Only

Contrary to popular belief, cash is not always necessary when posting bail. Often, individuals assume they will always have to pay the bail amount in cash. Considering that some bail amounts can be extremely high, it is understandable for individuals to be worried about this prospect. Luckily, bail bonds, installment bail, and other options can be practical tools for meeting this need.

For those who cannot afford to pay the full bail amount or seek a cash alternative, collateral can be utilized. The collateral is used to secure the bond or bail to release the defendant.

Assumption: The Amount Set for Bail Is Arbitrary

Contrary to popular belief, setting bail amounts is not a random process. The severity of the offense, flight risk, prior criminal history, and other relevant considerations can greatly impact the amount of bail required. Furthermore, most jurisdictions will have guidelines that judges follow when ordering bail amounts.

When individuals believe their bail amount is excessive or unfair, legal remedies exist to address these concerns. The most obvious is having a defense attorney petition the court for reduced bail. This may not always be approved, but it can provide a path for individuals who have financial hardships that make posting the standard bail amount impossible.

Assumption: Once You Post Bail, You Are Immediately Let Go

Posting bail does not guarantee immediate freedom without any conditions attached. Many stipulations may be required as a part of the bail terms. For example, this may include travel restrictions, electronic monitoring requirements, check-ins with pretrial services, or mandated participation in rehabilitation programs.

Furthermore, the jail may need some time to process the bail bond. This could lead to the defendant having to wait several hours or longer before they are released from custody.

Contact a company like Rocket Bail Bonds to learn more. 


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